
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1) FAQ's 'I+ Trainer' (PDF)


I+ Software User Manuals

2) 'I+ Trainer' User Manual

English (PDF)

Finnish (PDF)

German (PDF)

Spanish (PDF


3) 'I+ Manager' User Manual (PDF)


4) Marteloscope contact list (PDF)


5) Virtual Marteloscope visits

Based on the principle of "google street view", enables virtual tours through forests. For this purpose, selected forests are photographically documented and archived over several years. Users of this internet platform can then visit these forests digitally at any time and from any location, as if they were in situ. thus represents a kind of virtual library of the forest, opening up completely new perspectives for potential users in practice, research and education.

Financially supported by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) four Integrate Network marteloscope sites were photographically documented by the Bern University of Applied Sciences (HAFL) who has developed this innovative technique.

We encourage you to take a tour through the four sites but also many others available at the links ‘’ and ‘’. In case you would like to know more about virtual forest visits please feel free to contact us or get more information on the websites or directly from the developers at HAFL.



i)    Marteloscope Jägerhäuschen (State Forest Enterprise Rhein-Sieg-Erft, North-Rhine Westfalia, Germany)

ii)   Marteloscope Rosskopf (Freiburg City Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)

iii)  Marteloscope Mooswald (Freiburg City Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)

iv)  Marteloscope Behleneiche (Community Forest Kandern, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)

Many more virtual forest visits can be found at:  (English, German and French) (English, German and French)

There are YouTube tutorials available which explain how to use the software (e.g. for habitat.sylvotheque) in English, German and French


6) Tree Microhabitat Catalogue

 The catalogue offers an accessible typology for identifying small and valuable structures for biodiversity. It was developed by a experts and serves as a field guide. The vast array of existing tree microhabitats (TreMs) is subdivided into a few concise categories of saproxylic (cavities, injuries and wounds, bark, deadwood) and epixylic (deformations, epiphytes, nests) structures that can serve as shelter or home for different flora and fauna. TreMs are input for elaborating a habitat value for each tree in a Marteloscope. This information can be retrieved in the course of field exercises using the I+ software. It is available in the following languages:


Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, North Macedonian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian

Link to short videos introducing individual tree microhabitats (Rita Bütler, WSL and Laurent Larrieu, INRAE-UMD / DYNAFOR / CPF)


7) The tree microhabitat catalogue App

The phone App was developed as a mobile field support for identifying biodiversity relevant tree microhabitat structures. Its content mirrors the tree microhabitat catalogue and is currently available in the following languages: Czech, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese. The App is freely available and runs on Android and Apple devices.

Google Play Store (Link)

App Store (Link)


8) Marteloscope Data Entry Sheet: template for submitting marteloscope dataset to 'I+ Data Repository' (XLS)


9) Marteloscope exercises – 'guidance for trainers' (PDF)


10) How to set up a marteloscope (PDF)


11) Activity fact sheets of events around marteloscopes

        - April 2017 to April 2020 (PDF)

        - December 2013 to March 2017 (PDF)


All videos can be accessed through this link:

- "Wise use of our forests: the integrative approach" - 23-minute feature film in three languages (English, German and French). Subtitles are also available in Spanish, Catalan and Italian.

-  "Be a forester for a day!" - 2-minute video available in English, German and Spanish

-  "Virtual field trip: marteloscopes" - 6-minute video in English


Links to related projects / activities

- "Projekt Dauerwald“  coordinated by Arbeitsgemeinschaft Naturgemäße Waldwirtschaft (ANW) - Bundesverband Deutschland (Website in German). Marteloscopes were established and training conducted (WKF-FNR, completed)

- "Establishment of five marteloscopes in Luxembourg" was implemented for Pro Silva Luxembourg (Pro Silva Luxembourg, completed)

"GoProFor" - GoProFor aimed at "distilling" the good practices from LIFE projects of forestry interest realized throughout the European Union between 1992 and 2018. Martelsocopes and the I+ software were applied in GoProFor ((EU Life+, completed)

- "Integrate"- Metsänomistajien päätöksenteon tuki muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä established marteloscopes in North Karelia, developed new software modules and conducted field training (EU RDF, completed)

- "Saproxylic Habitat Network, LifeSpan" - Marteloscope sites are established, training courses provided ((EU Life+, ongoing) 

- "HoliSoils" - Holistic management practices, modelling & monitoring for European forest soils (EU H2020, ongoing)

- "Martelkom" - Den Wald vor lauter Bäumen sehen. Marteloskope als Forschungs- und Kommunikationsinstrument für integrative Waldwirtschaft – und Etablierung eines demoskopischen „Waldbarometers“ in Deutschland (WKF-FNR, ongoing)

- "Multipliers - Multiplayers' partnerships to ensure meaningful engagement with science and research (EU-H2020 project, ongoing)

- "OptFPORESTS - Harnessing forest genetic resources for increasing options in the face of environmental and societal challenges" (EU-HE project, ongoing)

- "Transformit" - Transforming forest management for multiple ecosystem services and nature conservation via the integrative approach (EU-HE project, ongoing)

- "Integrate Network" - The Integrate Network Multi-Donor Trust Fund is an alliance of representatives of different European countries promoting the integration of nature conservation into sustainable forest management at the policy, practice and research level (I-MDTF, ongoing)



Boonen, S., O'Brien, L., Schifferdecker, G., Schuck, A., 2024. Adaptation des forêts Européennes: perspectives des gestionnaires face aux défis du changement climatique. Silva Belgica 2/2024. 48-52.

Brownell, P. H., Stratton, A. D.H, Nord-Larsen, T., Nielsen, A. T., Schuck, A., Zudin, S., 2022. Including Carbon Accounting in Learning Tools for Sustainable Forest Management. Available at SSRN: or 

Cosyns, H., Joa, B., Mikoleit, R., Krumm, F., Schuck, A., Winkel, G., Schulz, T., 2020. Resolving the trade-off between production and biodiversity conservation in integrated forest management: comparing tree selection practices of foresters and conservationistsBiodiversity and Conservation. 

Cosyns, H., Kraus, D., Krumm, F., Schulz, T., Pyttel, P., 2018. Reconciling the trade-off between economic and ecological objectives in habitat-tree selection: A comparison between students, foresters and forestry trainers. Forest Science. Volume 65. Issue 2. 223–234.

Courbaud B., Larrieu, L., Kozak, D., Kraus, D., Lachat, T., Ladet, S., Müller, J., Paillet, Y., Sageb-Talebi, K., Schuck, A., Stillhard, J., Svoboda, M., Zudin, S., 2021. Factors influencing the formation rate of tree related microhabitats and implications for biodiversity conservation and forest management. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14068 

Derks, J., Schuck, A., O’Brien, L., 2022. Forest education with marteloscopes. Integrate Network Report. European Forest Institute (General version 23 p.; Version for schools 26 p.).

Derks, J., Schuck, A., Zudin, S., 2022. Bedienungsanleitung - I+ Trainer software. European Forest Institute. Integrate Network Technical Report. (übersetzt und überarbeitet: Schuck, A., 2024) (PDF)

Derks, J., Schuck, A., Zudin, S., 2020. Step-by-step tutorial: I+ Trainer software European Forest Institute. Integrate Network Technical Report. (revised and updated by Schuck, A., 2024) (PDF)

Integrate+, 2013. What are marteloscopes? Integrate+ project handout. 2p. (PDF)

Integrate+, 2014. Integrate+ software tables - hardware specifications. Integrate+ booklet. 4p. (PDF)

Joa, B., Paulus, A., Mikoleit, R., Winkel, G., 2020. Decision Making in Tree Selection – Contemplating Conflicting Goals via Marteloscope Exercises. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, 7(1): 3, 1–14. DOI:

Kraus, D., Schuck, A., Krumm, F., Bütler, R., Cosyns, H., Courbaud, B., Larrieu, L., Mergner, U., Pyttel, P., Varis, S., Wilhelm, G., Witz, M., Zenner, E. and Zudin, S., 2018. Seeing is building better understanding - the Integrate+ marteloscopes. Integrate+ Technical Report. Marteloscopes (2018) 26:3. (Link to download)

Kraus, D., Schuck, A., 2017. Wise use of our forests: the integrative approach. Integrate+ Film script.

Kraus, D., Schuck, A., 2016. Mikrohabitatstrukturen im Wald: Ein Schlüssel zur Erhaltung von gefährdeten Arten. Anliegen Natur 38 (1), 2016. 99 – 101.

Kraus, D., Bütler, R., Krumm, F., Lachat, T., Larrieu, L., Mergner, U., Paillet, Y., Rydkvist, T., Schuck, A., and Winter, S., 2016. Smart phone application: Catalogue of tree microhabitats - field reference list. App contents derived from: Catalogue of tree microhabitats - field reference list. Integrate+ Technical Paper No. 13. 16 p. European Forest Institute, 2016. App: Lisa Apfelbacher (illustrations), Sebastian Walker and Andreas Schuck (design), walkermedia systems (development).

Kraus, D., Bütler, R., Krumm, F., Lachat, T., Larrieu, L., Mergner, U., Paillet, Y., Rydkvist, T., Schuck, A., and Winter, S., 2016. Catalogue of tree microhabitats – Reference field list. Integrate+ Technical Paper 13. 16 p.

Kraus, D., Mergner, U., Schuck, A., Krumm, F., Haussmann, T., 2016. Integrate+: Wieviel Naturschutz kann der bewirtschaftete Wald leisten? Der Dauerwald – Zeitschrift für naturgemäβe Waldwirtschaft. Ausgabe 54, August 2016.  33-38.

Kraus D., Krumm F. (eds), 2013. Integrative approaches as an opportunity for the conservation of forest biodiversity. European Forest Institute. 284 pp. (EN), (DE), (FR)

Krumm, F., Bauhus, J., Larsen, J. B., Knoke, T., Poetzelsberger, E., Schuck, A., Rigling, A., 2023. «Closer-to-Nature Forest Management»: Was ist neu an diesem Konzept? AFZ Der Wald, 10/2023, 10-13. (PDF)

Krumm, F., Bauhus, J., Larsen, J. B., Knoke, T., Poetzelsberger, E., Schuck, A., Rigling, A., 2023. «Closer-to-Nature Forest Management»: Was ist neu an diesem Konzept? Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 174 (2023) 3: 158–161. (Link)

Krumm, F., Schuck, A., Rigling, A. (eds), 2020. How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation – a view across Europe. European Forest Institute (EFI); Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmendorf. 644 p. (Link to download)

       - Book reviews (in German): (1) Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen: 74 (2023) 1: 44–60 (PDF); (2) standort.wald: 52 (2022), 75-91 (PDF)

Krumm, F., Rigling, A., Bollman, K., Brang, P., Dürr, C., Gessler, A., Schuck, A., Schulz-Marty T., Winkel, G., 2020. Synthesis: Improving biodiversity conservation in European managed forests needs pragmatic, courageous, and regionally-rooted management approaches. In Krumm, F., Schuck, A., Rigling, A. (eds): How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation – A view across Europe. European Forest Institute (EFI); Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmendorf. 608-633. (Link to download)

Krumm, F., Bollmann, K., Brang, P., Schulz-Marty, T., Küchli, C., Schuck, A., Rigling, A., 2020. Context and solutions for integrating nature conservation into forest management: an overview. In Krumm, F., Schuck, A., Rigling, A. (eds): How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation – A view across Europe. European Forest Institute (EFI); Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmendorf. 10-25. (Link to download)

Krumm, F., Lachat T., Schuck, A.,  Bütler, R., Kraus, D., 2019. Marteloskope als Trainingstools zur Förderung und Erhaltung von Habitatbäumen im Wald. Schweizerische Z. Forstwes. 170 (2019) 2: 86-93.

Larrieu, L., Bouget, C., Courbaud, B., Doerfler, I., Gouix, N., Goulard, M., Ladet, S., Laroche, F., Acloque, A., Bütler, R., Kozak, D., Kraus, D., Krumm, F., Lachat, T., Martin, M., Müller, J., Paillet, Y., Schuck, A., Stillhard, J., Svoboda, M., Trinidad Torres García, M., Vandekerkhove, K., Zudin, S., (2025). Spatial distribution of Tree-related microhabitats in European beech-dominated forests”. Biological Conservation 301. 110867.

Larrieu, L., Courbaud, B., Drénou, C., Goulard, M., Bütler, R., Kozák, D., Kraus, D., Krumm, F., Lachat, T., Müller, J., Paillet, Y., Schuck, A., Stillhard, J., Svoboda, M., Vandekerkhove, K., 2022. Key factors determining the presence of Tree-related Microhabitats: A synthesis of potential factors at site, stand and tree scales, with perspectives for further research. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 515 (2022) 120235. (PDF).

Larrieu, L., Cabanettes, A., Courbaud, B., Goulard, M., Heintz, W., Kozák, D., Kraus, D., Lachat, T., Ladet, S., Müller, J., Paillet, Y., Schuck, A., Stillhard, J., Svoboda, M., 2021. Co-occurrence patterns of tree-related microhabitats: A method to simplify routine monitoring. Ecological Indicators 127 (2021) 107757. 1-10.

Larrieu, L., Paillet, Y, Winter, S., Bütler, R., Kraus, D., Krumm, F, Lachat, T, Michel, A., Regnery, B., Vandekerkhove, K., 2018. Tree related microhabitats in temperate and Mediterranean European forests: A hierarchical typology for inventory standardization. Ecological Indicators 84: 194–207.

Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity, 2024. 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2024. Thonicke, K., Rahner, E., Arneth, A., Bonn, A., Borchard, N., Chaudhary, A., Darbi, M., Dutta, T., Eberle, U., Eisenhauer, N., Farwig, N., Flocco, C. G., Freitag, J., Grobe, P., Grosch, R., Grossart, H. P., Grosse, A.,     Grützmacher, K., Hagemann, N., Hansjürgens, B., Hartman Scholz, A., Hassenrück, C., Häuser, C., Hickler, T., Hölker, F., Jacob, U., Jähnig, S., Jürgens, K., Kramer-Schadt, S., Kretsch, C., Krug, C., Lindner, J. P., Loft, L.,     Mann, C., Matzdorf, B., Mehring, M., Meier, R., Meusemann, K., Müller, D., Nieberg, M., Overmann, J., Peters, R. S., Pörtner, L., Pradhan, P., Prochnow, A., Rduch, V., Reyer, C., Roos, C., Scherber, C., Scheunemann, N., Schroer, S., Schuck, A., Sioen, G. B., Sommer, S., Sommerwerk, N., Tanneberger, F., Tockner, K., van der Voort, H., Veenstra, T., Verburg, P., Voss, M., Warner, B., Wende, W., Wesche, K. Potsdam, Germany.

Leibniz-Forschungsnetzwerk Biodiversität, 2024. 10 Must-Knows aus der Biodiversitätsforschung. Thonicke, K., Rahner, E., Arneth, A., Bonn, A., Borchard, N., Chaudhary, A., Darbi, M., Dutta, T., Eberle, U., Eisenhauer, N., Farwig, N., Flocco, C. G., Freitag, J., Grobe, P., Grosch, R., Grossart, H. P., Grosse, A., Grützmacher, K., Hagemann, N., Hansjürgens, B., Hartman Scholz, A., Hassenrück, C., Häuser, C., Hickler, T., Hölker, F., Jacob, U., Jähnig, S., Jürgens, K., Kramer-Schadt, S., Kretsch, C., Krug, C., Lindner, J. P., Loft, L., Mann, C., Matzdorf, B., Mehring, M., Meier, R., Meusemann, K., Müller, D., Nieberg, M., Overmann, J., Peters, R. S., Pörtner, L., Pradhan, P., Prochnow, A., Rduch, V., Reyer, C., Roos, C., Scherber, C.,  Scheunemann, N., Schroer, S., Schuck, A., Sioen, G. B., Sommer, S., Sommerwerk, N., Tanneberger, F., Tockner, K., van der Voort, H., Veenstra, T., Verburg, P., Voss, M., Warner, B., Wende, W., Wesche, K. Potsdam, Deutschland. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10794362 

O’Brien, L., Boonen, S., Schuck, A., 2023. Challenges and experiences in adapting forest management to a changing climate – a practitioner’s view. Integrate MDTF Evidence Study, Study Report 1. 22 p. (Link to download)

O’Brien, L., Schuck, A., 2022. Active restoration practices for biodiversity conservation in managed forests. A review of the literature with a European focus. Integrate Network Report. European Forest Institute. 26 p. (PDF)

O’Brien, L., Derks, J., Schuck, A., 2022. The use of marteloscopes in science: a review of past research and suggestions for further application. Integrate Network Report. European Forest Institute. 26 p. (PDF)

O’Brien, L., Schuck, A., Fraccaroli, C., Pötzelsberger, E., Winkel, G. and Lindner, M., 2021. Protecting old-growth forests in Europe - a review of scientific evidence to inform policy implementation. Final report. European Forest Institute. (Link to download)

Pommer, A., Schuck, A., Hamm, T, 2021. Marteloskope als Schulungsflächen in Sachsens Staatswald. Der Dauerwald – Zeitschrift für naturgemäβe Waldwirtschaft. Ausgabe 64. 32-34.

Pyttel P., Kraus, D., Schuck, A., Krumm, F., Bauhus, J., 2018. Mit „Marteloskopen“ lehren und lernen. AFZ-DerWald 4/2018. 26-29.

Rojo Serrano, L., 2019. Incorporación de España a la red Europea para la integración de la protección de la biodiversidad en la gestión forestal - Red Integrate (Incorporation of Spain into the European Network INTEGRATE which promotes and advances forest management approaches for the integration of nature conservation into sustainable forest management - Network Integrate). Subdirección General de Políti ca Forestal y Lucha contra la Desertificación. Dirección General de Biodiversidad, Bosques y Desertificación. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico. Technical Report. 92 p. (PDF)

Santopuoli G., di Cristofaro M., Kraus D., Schuck A., Lasserre B., Marchetti M., 2019. Biodiversity conservation and wood production in a Natura 2000 Mediterranean forest. A trade-off evaluation focused on the occurrence of microhabitats. iForest 12: 76-84. – doi: 10.3832/ifor2617-011 [online 2019-01-24]

Schuck, A., Kraus D., Krumm, F., Varis, S., Zudin, S., Suominen, T., 2024. The Integrate+ software for virtual training exercises in forest stands. Integrate Network Paper. 30 p. (PDF)

Schuck, A., Kraus, D., Krumm, F., Zudin, S., 2020. Marteloscopes – a key instrument for fact-based learning, understanding, and the exchange of knowledge on forests and their management (Box C4). In Krumm, F., Schuck, A., Rigling, A. (eds): How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation – A view across Europe. European Forest Institute (EFI); Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmendorf. 256-258. (Link to download)

Schuck, A. and Nikinmaa, L., 2020. Monitavotteinen metsänhoito vastaa vaatimusten kirjoon (“Multiobjective forest management answers to the different demands”). H. Mattila (Ed.), Elämän verkko: Luonnon monimuotoisuutta edistämässä (“The net of life: enhancing biodiversity”). (1 ed., pp. 260-270). Gaudeamus.

Schuck, A., Kraus, D., 2018. Marteloskope und Bedeutung der Baum-Mikrohabitate. AFZ-DerWald Nr. 3/2018. S. 12.

Schuck, A., Kraus, D., Krumm, F., Held, A., Schmitt, H., 2015. Integrate+ Marteloscopes – Calibrating silvicultural decision making. Integrate+ Technical Paper No. 1. 12 p. Available in (PDF EN) and (PDF DE).

Schuck, A., Krumm, F., Kraus, D., 2015. Integrate+ marteloscopes - Description of parameters and assessment procedures. Integrate+ Technical Paper No. 18. 16 p. (PDF)

Spatially explicit database of tree related microhabitats (TreMs), 2020. Hosted at the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).

Stahl, L-M., Hein, S., 2022. Erstes Plenterwald-Marteloskop im Privatwald eingerichtet. AFZ-Der Wald 11/22. 41-44. (PDF)

John, M., Wirth, K., Kaufmann, A., Ertelt, H., Frei, T. 2024. Forest deliberations: Marteloscopes as sites of encounter between climate activists and forest managers, Forest Policy and Economics, 169, 103356, 

Zudin, S., Heintz, W., Kraus, D., Krumm, F., Larrieu, L., Schuck, A., 2022. A spatiallyexplicit database of tree-related microhabitats in Europe and beyond. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e91385.


Bachelor and Master theses

  1. Lukas Boje, Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde - Fachbereich für Wald und Umwelt: "Anlage und Analyse des Marteloskop Rennweg und Konzipierung einer Übung zur Nutzung von Marteloskopen für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit" (Bachelor thesis)
  2. Franziska Böltzig und Annabell Wolf, Hochschule Anhalt - University of Applied Science - Fachbereich 1: Landwirtschaft, Ökotrophologie und Landschaftsentwicklung: "Einrichtung eines Marteloskopes im Revier Hoher Fläming unter besonderer Berücksichtigung naturschutzfachlicher Aspekte" (Bachelor thesis)
  3. Lukas Franz Dörfel, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development: "Anlage und Erstanalyse eines Marteloskops – Buchen-Eichen-Mischbestand – im Forstbezirk Eibenstock" (Bachelor thesis)
  4. Jonas Fiedler, Faculty Environmental Science - Technischen Universität Dresden: Überführung von Fichtenreinbeständen in Bergmischwälder zum Anfassen: "Anlage, Auswertung und Auszeichnung einer Marteloskop-Sequenz im Erzgebirge" (Master thesis; large file!)
  5. Isabel Anna Fichtner, Faculty Environmental Science - Technische Universität Dresden: "Das Marteloskop Tharandter Wald: ein waldbauliches Übungsinstrument für eine nachhaltige und integrative Waldbewirtschaftung" (Master thesis)
  6. Philipp Fritz und Nils Meier, Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Forstwirtschaft Bruck an der Mur: "Waldbauliche Analysen einer Marteloskopfläche in einem Fichtenbestand im Lehrforst Bruck an der Mur" - Teilthemen: "Virtuelle Strukturdurchforstung nach dem 100-Baumkonzept" (Philipp Fritz) und "Virtuelle Durchforstung auf Grundlage einer Z-Baumauslese" (Nils Meier) (Diploma thesis)
  7. Jan Heimer, Fakultät für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen, Universität Freiburg: "Das Marteloskop Rosskopf als Grundlage zur Beurteilung von betriebswirtschaftlichen und naturschutzfachlichen Aspekten im Bergmischwald" (Master thesis)
  8. Holger Heiß, Fakultät für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen, Universität Freiburg. "Anwendungsvergleich unterschiedlicher Habitatbaumauswahlprogramme" (Bachelor thesis)
  9. Richard Herpel, Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Abteilung: Waldbau und Waldökologie der gemäßigten Zonen): "Einrichtung und Ertragstafelvergleiche zweier Marteloskope im Revier Eibenstock" (Installation and yield table comparisons of two marteloscopes in the Eibenstock district) (Bachelor thesis)
  10. Prescott Huntley Brownell II, University of Copenhagen: "Modeling of Carbon Balance using Conifer and Broadleaf Marteloscope Sites in Denmark" (Master thesis)   
  11. Matteo Marcandella, Haute Ecole Condorcet (Belgium): "Installation de marteloscopes à objectif « futaie irrégulière » en Forêt de Soignes" (Master thesis)
  12. Konstantin von Gemmingen-Guttenberg, Hochschule für Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg: "Einrichtung eines Marteloskops in einer Naturwaldentwicklungsfläche der Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg’schen Verwaltung" (Bachelor thesis)
  13. Moritz Schmidt, Markus Täufer, Hochschule Weihenstephan Triesdorf, Fakultät Wald und Forstwirtschaft: "Einrichtung und Anwendung eines Marteloskops im Universitätswald Sailershausen" (Bachelor Thesis)
  14. Robin Schürg, Fakultät für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen, Universität Freiburg: "Das Marteloskop Mooswald als Grundlage zur Beurteilung von betriebswirtschaftlichen und naturschutzfachlichen Aspekten in ehemaligen Eichen-Mittelwäldern" (Master thesis)
  15. Marie Wittmer-Eigenbrodt, Fachhochschule Erfurt (University of Applied Sciences): "Einrichtung und Behandlunsempfehlung eines Marteloskops im Revier Calden" (Bachelor thesis)